Our mission Is to Bring Powerful techniques never-before-accessible outside of clinics to people to lead their journey to better mental health and Wellbeing

Our unique stack of mental health techniques, developed over 28 months, combines the approaches used in multiple clinical therapies to fundamentally transform the user's experience of their emotions, past experiences and present and future emotional responses.

Our Priorities

  • Early Intervention

    We saw that an increasing number of people suffering from mental illness would have benefited from preventative inventions and support to strengthen their wellbeing. Therefore we decided to create something focused on early intervention to improve mental health and wellbeing.

  • Transformational Techniques

    We saw that scientifically robust and clinically validated solutions which offer fast and effective improvement in wellbeing were limited. Therefore, we decided to create solutions that make the most powerful tools to improve mental health available to everyone.

  • Empowering Through Technology

    We saw that traditional methods to address mental health were inconvenient and/or irrelevant to people’s lifestyles and needs. Therefore we use technological solutions, built into a Virtual Reality program to make our product personalized, accessible, and engaging for all.

Our Core Values

  • Scientific Excellence

    We are dedicated to bringing clinically proven methods to improve mental health and wellbeing to the masses

  • Access

    We are passionate about ensuring increased access to transformational mental wellbeing techniques to those who need it most

  • Partnership

    We prioritize partnership with institutions and their users - offering personalization in our product offerings, and experience

  • Purpose Driven

    We ensure that our purpose defines our culture, our product, and how we work for our clients, and society at large

  • Empathy

    We are committed to integrating varied perspectives in how we work, based on understanding and care.

  • Ownership

    We believe that each person connected to our organization should feel empowered to lead their own journey of wellbeing