memories, Emotions & You

Some Memories leave us with emotional triggers which can unknowingly control how we perceive our present & handle the complexities of daily life.

These emotional burdens impact work, relationships, and overall wellbeing.

Our program is designed to help rewire the mind to free us from the past - offering choice in how we respond to the present and live in the future.

Resulting in Increased Health, Happiness, and Productivity

FREEDOM from Stress, Anxiety & Low Mood

These challenges are demonstrably caused by emotionally loaded experiences in the past which either consciously or subconsciously influence how we feel in the present and respond to similar circumstances in the future.

Using the program creates distance between your experiences and the stress you may feel. This can quickly dissolve the burdens attached to daily life - as well as gradually dissipates the deeper issues which fuel these issues.

Use our “mood boost” program as a quick refresh at the end of a tough day or at times of high stress, and make relaxation, clarity, and happiness your habit by using the program reguarly

BOOST Confidence & Self-Esteem

Irrational thoughts, negative thinking & low self-esteem may get in the way of our day-to-day performance. Our program is a quick and effective way to untangle the known and unknown experiences of the past which build upon one another to reinforce negative patterns of thinking. This has the effect of simultaneously removing the mental blocks which trigger fear, anxiety, or stress associated with various tasks and experiences while boosting confidence through the development of more adaptive ways of thinking free of the past.

CONQUER Substance Abuse,

Dependency & Addiction

For many, using substances (be that legal, illegal, or even things like sugar or caffeine) is rooted in how it makes them feel - either as a coping mechanism for unpleasant experiences or as a habit. In fact, dependency, and at its most extreme addiction, has two facets - the physical and the emotional. Overcoming physical barriers may be manageable, but not the emotional - therefore keeping people rooted in unwanted habits.

This is where our program comes in - identifying present triggers that activate unsettling responses and the habit of use - through reprocessing the underlying issues, such as negative past experiences, stress, and anxiety that lead to dependencies. While also desensitizing users to the pleasurable outcomes they experience from substance use and encouraging adaptive behaviours which help prevent future relapses

RELIEF from Fear, Phobias & Panic Attacks

Fear & phobias are a habit of re-associating back into experiences that have taught such responses in the past. Our program helps users desensitize, dissociate and create distance from such negative responses from present triggers. Reprocessing what forms your current fears, phobias, or panic attack by breaking the mental connections between fear and reality.

Continuous use of the Program makes those new neural pathways the standard response - dissolving uncontrollable responses - and gives users the choice in how they want to respond to what’s happening around them. Increasing a sense of calm, self-control, and relaxation.

RELEASE Unresolved Emotions, Trauma & Grief

Sometimes, when someone goes through something difficult, the “trauma” can be so overwhelming that it locks in the emotions that were experienced, rather than processing them- rooting them in those emotions, as if they were happening again. Intense, varied, and uncontrolled emotions surrounding grief are often considered “normal”, however sometimes when those experiences take hold, they can unduly interfere with day-to-day functioning or do not subside to a manageable level over time. This has an effect on the sufferer’s mind and body - impacting every aspect of their work & personal lives - in both conscious and subconscious ways.

Our program helps to take specific emotions about past memories and positively address them to improve their emotional health. It unlocks the brain and allows the trauma to be processed. It helps you get to the point where the trauma feels in the past and is less painful and emotionally charged without taking away the memory.

The unhelpful thoughts turn into more adaptive, useful ones - while creating space to give meaning to trauma or loss - what once felt futile about the future, can become the basis of a new reality, new beginning, and new meaning.

OVERCOME Sleep Troubles & Insomnia

Sleep disturbances and Insomnia result in less and low-quality nonrestorative sleep. Resulting in a whole host of negative effects on a person’s mental and physical wellbeing. This is very often due to stress, anxiety, overstimulation from complex daily events, or unresolved issues which present as an inability to settle down and release/decompress from triggers that are presented in their lives, and take effective rest.

The program is an effective tool to manage these underlying causes which disrupt sleep, while also transforming the relationship a user may have to sleep over time. Targeting the relevant emotional stressors, reprocessing them, and developing a more adaptive response to daily (as well as underlying) challenges is likely to improve the ability of users to sleep & rest. Resulting in improved relaxation, mental acuity, energy, and productivity.

Feel immediate relief, while regular engagment with our program puts you at the centre of a transformational journey. Achieving Long-term results unlike any other techniques